Thursday, December 4, 2014

Props List

Props List:

Gun (fake)
  - We chose to have a gun as our female character will be executing the murder, and therefore is more suited to a female as a knife would be very gruesome.

  - We chose to include cigarettes in our film opening as our film genre is mob/film noir, and therefore has elements of the 1950's within it. In these years, people didn't know the dangers of smoking, and therefore large amounts of people used to smoke, especially women as it was seen as 'cool'.

Black Wig (short style with full fringe)
  - A black wig will be used as we have used the inspiration of a female influence from Pulp Fiction. Also, short black hair is seen in other places on TV, normally on authoritative women with high reputations.

Glass cups 
  - Glass cups will be used for the whiskey to be pored into, this is because I have watched other mob films such as The Godfather, and whiskey appears to be a consistent convention in mob gangster films.

Alcohol bottles (whiskey) 
  - Again we will be using whiskey as it appears to be a consistent convention in gangster films.

  - Our narrative includes a kind of 'package' being delivered, therefore we will use an old fashioned briefcase,

  - For the part of our opening which is in the present time, we will use a old table to act as a desk. This is linked to gangsters thinking their business is professional.

  - Our setting will have low level lighting, however we need to see the characters clearly, therefore a lamp is needed on the table/desk.

Red Lipstick/Nail Varnish
  - These will be used on Courtney, our female character, to connote danger, and blood. Also linking to our film title - 'Rouge'.

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